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PRactices on the Pilot's corporation of the port and the ferrol's ria


On this page I will write about the fulfilment of the Enterprise's Practices from the Nautical Studies, that I have made in Ferroll, on the Pilot's Corporation.

The Practices consisted of going on board and landing of the ships that entered or went out from the Ferrol's Riade la Ría de Ferrol, a lot of them were big and other more little but I have no doubt, that making these Practises I have learned a lot, as Nacho as me, because the most part of maneuvers note them on a little notebook.

During a month and a half we met with all the Ferrol's Pilots and the Moorer, from this page I want to thanks for their patience and kindness for with us.

From here you may have access to the most part of the Pictures of the ships that I have gone on board during the making of the Practices, as well as other ships that I have gone on board or simply I have photographed them on differents Ports. In the next link you may have acces to that List.

List and Photos of Ships

All the Pilots and Moorers have gave us all their knowledge and skilled us with the Maneuvers of the ships and their conduct with all kind of condition (windy, stormy, rain, etc.), we have learned a lot. Thanks.

Next I put the list of the Pilots and the Moorers:

Pilots Moorers
Juán Pérez Jose Luis Meizoso
Jose Manuel Jesús Pintos
Marino Santiago Manuel Pintos
Antonio Gómez Alfredo Carballo


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